Sunday, November 4, 2007

Wandering about Wellington

It's Saturday, and thus far it has yet to be clear enough for the observatory to be open. If it's not clear tonight, I'll just have to wait until I get back to Auckland to go to an observatory, or just look up at the sky when I get to Fiji.

I did the City to Sea walk on Wednesday, and my calves still hurt. Thursday I explored Wellington some more, and ended up walking to the airport. It wasn't nearly so hilly as the walk to the sea -- it was along the bay the entire way -- but it was still walking, which means my calves hurt even more. But walking is fun, so I really don't mind.

Yesterday was spent in the Wellington: City and Sea museum, which had as one of the displays "101 stories", which told of one event that has occurred every year from 1900 to 2000. It was a very interesting exhibit, and ended up consuming most of my afternoon. I spent the evening reinstalling Windows on my laptop, a process which I ought to complete today. Not every day can be perfect.

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